How Stratom's Autonomy Solutions Empower Tomorrow's Airports
In today’s world, modern airports are essential to a community’s economic vitality. Businesses around the globe depend on the aviation industry for access to new markets and the international air transportation system. Airports have always been at the forefront of technological innovation. Still, as traveler and customer needs evolve, industry decision-makers must implement new strategies, technologies and investments to address shifting challenges.
Enter Stratom’s innovative autonomous technologies and solutions.
As technological advancement propels the aviation industry into the future, critical challenges are driving increased adoption of autonomy to improve efficiency, safety and scalability, address staff shortages and enhance environmental sustainability. While autonomy has existed in the aviation space for decades, novel technologies are increasing the number of suitable applications and can operate more independently than ever. With personnel shortages and rising labor costs, autonomous capabilities will continue streamlining airport operations while keeping operating costs low — now and in the future.
Stratom’s deep autonomy and robotics experience empowers airports with solutions to streamline cargo movement, deliver more efficient refueling of aircraft and ground support equipment, reduce carbon emissions and optimize personnel. Specializing in autonomous cargo movement and robotic refueling, Stratom’s proven technology solutions streamline airport logistics and operations. And as our state-of-the-art Summit core autonomy platform evolves, our expertise will enable the next generation of aviation applications helping the industry soar toward the digital, automated future of flight.